Saturday, September 24, 2011

Journey to York Beach!!!

     We began our day with the idea of going to York beach to see the famous Nubble Light. This gem of a light house can be seen from the shores of York. But this dream has to wait for another day to be experienced. Our lack of compass/GPS made us get lost, and had us arrive at Ogunquit instead. This town comes just as highly rated as a must see, so we were not disappointed. We had a nice lunch at a lovely colonial house turned into a restaurant. It was called Rose Cove. The town had so many cute, and quaint shops. After browsing the stores we stumbled upon a beautiful look out point to see the beautiful beach. As I looked down the shore I could see gorgeous houses on the cliffs. What an amazing view they must have! There were these nice Adirondack Chairs set out "just for us". ;) It was so peaceful!!!
      On our journey home we decided to drive through Kennebunk and Kennebunkport(where Bush lives) to see the beautiful town, houses, and to hopefully find the President's house. No Bush was found. However, I saw the cutest shops I've ever seen and the most beautiful houses that I never knew existed!! I was in heaven!!! Each house had it's own unique charm and some looked like they came out of a fairytale book. I can't wait to take my family there and any other brave soul that visits us!! :)  We continue to keep our dear family and friends in our prayers! We love you all and wish you could be here with us!!
Until then...
Samson facts:
#1 He can now eat a whole jar of baby food in one sitting! (big surprise ;) )
#2 He can feed himself the bottle at some feedings. (what a big boy)
#3 He is a cat lover, Dogs are aggressive with their kisses.
#4 He is still not crawling...(stubborn boy)
#5 He loves to jump!!!

 Patriotic house. 

 Cute Bed & Breakfast in Ogunquit
 Cute Shop with big Pumpkins sitting on the yard & porch
 Sleepy Boy after a long walk. 
 Walking towards the beautiful shore.
 Showing our American pride. ;) 

 The sky was an amazing back drop for the beautiful beach. 

 The picturesque view! 

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