Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fall Day!!! With Apple picking!

    Today we visited the apple orchards at Thompson's farm in New Glouchester. It reminded me of our fall days in Oak Glen. Sadly, they have not heard of cider floats. So I of course made them for the family at home. After picking 2lbs of Macintosh apples. We headed over to Orchard Hills in Cumberland, to go on a hay ride. Samson really loved being outside and enjoyed God's beauty. He tried to nibble on some fresh apples too. It was such a wonderful day! Wish you all could be here with us!
Until then...
(Below is pictures from our day)
If you give a mouse an apple...

He'll try to take the biggest bite he can with his 2 tiny teeth.

Or he'll eat his way through it like a catepillar. ;)

My little Sunshine.

Beautiful horses hanging out in the apple orchards.

Checking out the pumpkins!

I think he likes them! :)

We said "hey Samson", and this was his picture face. :)

My little explorer.

Apple Connoisseur. :)

Bath time Monster. Getting ready for bed.
Good night. Angel Kisses.

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